Game modes or cheat codes
Type them in the title scene to activate a mode:
Enemies only come out at night.
No enemies.
Deactivate all cheats.
All structures are indestructible. Moved to gameplay option settings
A percent of trees (10%) will grow back each time you sleep at a shelter. Sleep enough times without cutting down any trees and eventually the entire forest will be repopulated.
Note – to keep a tree from regrowing in this mode, remove both the tree and the stump so that they don’t grow back inside your base.
For multiplayer games this needs to be enabled by host to have an effect on game.
Reset floor & roof holes in a saved game. Cheat works once when game is started then gets reset when going back to title screen. Does nothing for MP clients
Press F1 to toggle the console.
Press F2 to display the console log & status.
Possible console commands can be found in the wiki